Pocket Card Jockey Wikia

During the game, the player can purchase puzzle pieces from Chirps gacha machine, C.C., for $10,000 per try. There are a total of eight puzzles in the game, with nine pieces each. Each puzzle has its own unique effect that is gained after completing the puzzle. Completed puzzles can be viewed at the Museum. Puzzles only need to be completed once to gain the effect they bring, as completing them any subsequent number of times after will not yield any other bonuses.


Puzzle Name Effect
Puzzle rich
Time Killer Blingman's horses gain bonus growth
Puzzle idol
Cooking Time Priscilla's horses gain bonus growth
Puzzle president
PR Photo Truman's horses gain bonus growth
Puzzle yankee
Runaway Richie's horses gain bonus growth
Puzzle hatsumeika
Maintenance Prof. Ozimof's horses gain bonus growth
Puzzle tsubame
Working Day Happy Horses will randomly hold 50% off sales
Puzzle solitibakun
Saving Now Happy Horses sells Lucky Gloves and Joker Crops more often

(Chance is upped to 50%)

Puzzle uma jockey
Win or Lose Increased Go! button effectiveness